Woven - reclaiming the Wise Woman
A year-long, soul inspired course for women guided by the Celtic Wheel of the Year
Women gathering together in sacred circles are part of the old ways.
We gather in ceremony to mark life’s cycles, the crossing of thresholds and to witness and welcome the unseen parts of our journeys. We gather to seed, grow and nurture diverse, creative, conscious, communities in the service of regenerative thriving life.
We are woven by life into life as life. The old Celtic calendar is an Earth-based living matrix of wisdom and wellbeing in the form of a wheel. It’s in the soil, it’s in our bones, offers a way to find our bearings, reflect on balance and harmony, and explore our utter dependency on our Original Mother, Earth. Mirroring the evolution of soul as it journeys through the seasons of life, the Celtic Wheel calls us to presence, conscious embodiment, gratitude, ceremony, community and service.
During the year-long course we gather together 8 times (approximately every 6 weeks) for a day-long retreat plus summer camp, around the Solstices, Equinox’s and Cross Quarter days. Your learning, and the course continues between each of our gatherings through the integration practices (Earthworks), sent out mid-way between each gathering, through your personal practice, study and discoveries, and through 1-1 sessions with me.
Through the Woven voyage we enter into kinship. Within the circle of our coming together, in our openness and vulnerability, is our courage and strength. We lean into and support our circle of Sisters, and through them our wider communities of kith and kin. Curiosity, an open heart & mind, respect, a sense of humour, a willingness to share, practice deep listening, abide in beginner’s mind, and be committed to a depth exploration through attending all the sessions will support your participation and enrichment of this journey.
Turning inwards we see our familial, educational, cultural and religious conditioning. With courage and kindness we face our shadows and take self-responsibility. We are the portal through which transformation and awakening happens and our lost soul parts find their way home. Journeying through Woven’s year-long cycle provides way-markers along the path of reflective self-inquiry at nodal points in the year. Together we breathe, slow down, listen, pay attention, release, create, play and realise our purpose for being here.
The fibres of Woven flow with creative spirit from my many years of training, exploration and deep practice with people and places. The core fibres include; Shamanism, Depth Psychology, listening to the land, movement, meditation, ceremonies. Woven is an offering for women looking to explore Earth-based spiritualities, conscious embodiment and healing our sense of separation. Woven is creatively offered in the service of regenerative thriving life for a world in balance and harmony.
The next course begins Summer 2025, contact me for course information