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Retreats Trainings & Workshops

I have a great love of dreaming up, manifesting and working with heart-centred, diverse groups. I am inspired by the richness of insight and discovery that can happen as people feel safe to share and explore their experiences, to listen to each other and the wisdom of Earth. Some of the groups I offer are open to all, some specifically for women and some are for people called to make a shift in their work or life towards a Wholearth orientation of being.

Groups and events happen throughout the year and can include:

🌿Retreat days in Oxfordshire and nationally, often based around the Celtic Wheel of the Year

🌿 Residential gatherings on Dartmoor, held at Karuna Dartmoor

🌿 Woven, my year-long soul-inspired course for women based on the Celtic Wheel of the year

The next course begins Summer 2025, contact me for further information

🌿 Womb-Belt Weaving workshops, a rite of passage, weaving Women back into matter.  Designed by Azul Thome

🌿 Ecotherapy Trainings, practitioner training exploring an Embodied Approach to working outside          with people in our broader nature

🌿 On-line seminars through the Tariki Trust

🌿 Discovering Unity courses

Up and coming events -

The Speech of Earth -  residential retreat Dartmoor, Devon, 25th - 27th April  2025

Bookings now being taken through the Karuna Institute-

Woven - encountering the Wise Women, a year-long soul-inspired

course for women guided by the Celtic Wheel of the Year, begins again Summer 2025,

bookings now open.              

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Previous retreats, trainings and workshops

If you have a group and are interested in similar events do contact me to discuss what may be possible.

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